I currently waiting to be contacted regarding the time in which the
property I am renting is to have its open time tomorrow, or if it is
even taking place at all....

I care to ask because I assume you don't care for your potential rental
clients to see me naked as I take my morning shower...

(Mind you I think the sight of me naked might scare you guys enough into
actually calling me or anyone else, the next time you want to have an
open house in a rental that is still occupied!)

Would that be indecent exposure?

I wonder.

I'm happy for the open day to take place, but a time reference would
have made it easier for me to make sure everything is pretty... and


Anonymous said...

Stick it to them! Frigging real estates.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I hate real estates how can they be so fucking dumb? Really, how?

Anonymous said...

They don't call it "open house" for nothing.